
Situated in the heart of Bringhi valley, Kokernag (2,020 m, 70 kms from Srinagar), is set amidst sprawling gardens fragrant with the bloom of thousands of flowers. The Kokernag spring bubbles at seven places at the foot of the forested mountain. The water of the spring is famous for its medicinal and digestive properties.

The spring gushes out of the base of a thickly wooded hill from where it separates into channels which bear an uncanny resemblance to the claw-foot of a hen, hence its name.

The great Mughal historian, Abul Fazl, has chronicled for posterity the benefits of the sweet water spring of Kokernag. This beneficent gift of nature is still regarded as having extraordinary healing powers and the sick are brought here for treatment by its waters and solitude. Kokernag is also known therefore, and most aptly, as Papashudan Nag or sin-cleansing spring.

Home to a spring with magical, curative powers, a tour to Kokernag is one of the most popular weekend getaways from Srinagar. Located at an altitude of around 2012 meters above sea level, tour to Kokernag also reveals some of the other treasures of this important tourist destination of Jammu and Kashmir.

The moment you enter the green valley of Kokernag, you are welcomed by the cool and fragrant air of the mountains, an air that brings with it the perfume of the blossoming flowers which you see all around this picturesque valey.

Perhaps the most important tourist attraction of a tour to Kokernag is the Papashudan Nad, the magical and curative spring which draws thousands of tourists to the valley each year. Home to the largest fresh water spring in Kashmir, Kokernag is known for its collection of springs, which in totality produce an image of the claws of a cock, a trait to which the vale owes its name. Blessed with rich a soil which promotes the growth of several varieties of plants and flowers, a tour to Kokernag is made even more perfect by the presence of a number of accommodation options in the region.

Blooming gardens surround this spring, which bubbles at seven places at the foot of the forested mountain. The water of Kokernag in Kashmir is believed to have medicinal and digestive properties. And because of these properties only, the spring is also known as Papashudan Nag or the sin-cleansing spring. There is also a botanical garden and a rose garden near Kokernag, overflowing with fragrances of flowers and shrubs.

Kokarnag is also the largest fresh water spring of the Kashmir valley. The word Kokernag is a combination of the two words, Koker meaning ‘fowl’ and Nag meaning ‘serpent’. Kokernag is a collection of many small springs and collectively, they all look like the claw foot of a Koker (cock). And the flowing stream resembles a moving serpent. Hence, the name “Kokernag”. The spring of Kokernag comprise of 300 canals, 129 canals for garden purposes and 171 canals for forest area.

Home to a spring with magical, curative powers, a tour to Kokernag is one of the most popular weekend getaways from Srinagar. Located at an altitude of around 2012 meters above sea level, tour to Kokernag also reveals some of the other treasures of this important tourist destination of Jammu and Kashmir.

The moment you enter the green valley of Kokernag, you are welcomed by the cool and fragrant air of the mountains, an air that brings with it the perfume of the blossoming flowers which you see all around this picturesque vale.

Perhaps the most important tourist attraction of a tour to Kokernag is the Papashudan Nad, the magical and curative spring which draws thousands of tourists to the valley each year. Home to the largest fresh water spring in Kashmir, Kokernag is known for its collection of springs, which in totality produce an image of the claws of a “Koker” or a cock, a trait to which the vale owes its name. Blessed with rich a soil which promotes the growth of several varieties of plants and flowers, a tour to Kokernag is made even more perfect by the presence of a number of accommodation options in the region.